Sold Out $40.00
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A complete, balanced diet for both young growing rabbits and breeding stock
NRM Rabbit Pellets provide a complete diet for breeding stock and young growing rabbits and are also suitable for feeding to pet rabbits.
Feeding recommendation
All Young Rabbits: Introduce gradually from 2 weeks and then feed ad-lib.
Meat Rabbits: Feed ad-lib until 5 days prior to slaughter.
Angoras for fibre production: Feed ad-lib until 12 weeks of age and then restrict to 100-120g/day.
Breeders: Restrict to 100 – 120g/day after 8 weeks of age to prevent does becoming over fat.
Pregnant Does: Restrict to 150g/day until the last week of pregnancy and thereafter feed ad-lib.
Lactating Does: Ad-lib from last week of pregnancy until weaning (200-300g depending on the litter size).
Pet Rabbits: Provide additional fibre such as hay to add variety to the rabbit’s diet and reduce the risk of obesity.
Ensure rabbits have access to fresh, clean water at all times.
Note: At times rabbits can respond to a variety of stress factors by rapidly developing diarrhoea. If this occurs provide a good fibre source such as extra hay/straw, plenty of fresh water and temporarily reduce pellet and other feed intake. Consult a veterinarian if condition persists.
Ingredients selected from
Grain and grain by-products, oilseed meals and by-products, molasses, lucerne meal, grass seed fibre, raw fibre concentrate, minerals, vegetable oils, amino acids, vitamins and trace minerals, mould inhibitor, coccidiostat and flavour.
Please ensure product is stored in a cool, dry and vermin free environment.
Caution: Do not feed to any animal species other than those stipulated on the label.
Typical analysis (approximate on an as fed basis)
Crude Protein 17%
Crude Fibre 14%
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not feed to horses or any other animals not included on the label claim as toxicity may occur. Do not feed to birds laying eggs for human consumption. Do not mix with other coccidiostats. To aid in the control of coccidiosis, NRM Rabbit Pellets should make up at least 75% of the total diet to avoid dilution of the active ingredient.
By law the user must take due care, obtaining expert advice when necessary, to avoid unnecessary pain and distress when using the product other than as directed on the label.
Cycostat® Coccidiostat is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act, 1997. ACVM Number A001557. See for registration conditions.
It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food Standards.
Rabbit Pellets with Cycostat 66® coccidiostat
INDICATIONS: Contains 66mg/kg Robenidine hydrochloride as 1kg/tonne Cycostat 66 A001557 for the prevention and control of intestinal coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species.
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