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Dunstan Horsefeeds

Dunstan Pre-Trainer

Dunstan Pre-Trainer

Available Via Pre Order Only

Dunstan Pre-Trainer ® is designed for Yearlings returning from sales and being held in good body condition under various stages of breaking-in and training. Adjustment to feed allowances will reflect on the amount of training and exercise being undertaken.

Pre-Trainer Mix ® is based on Dunstan's extrusion technology where cereals are cooked to enhance digestion and palatability. Ingredients are selected for their digestibility and nutrient availability to maintain growth rate and for training purposes.

Equine Safe

Dunstan Horsefeeds are produced in Equine-Safe manufacturing plants, ensuring a product of premium quality, safety and performance.

Professionally formulated for New Zealand Horses performing under New Zealand conditions



Oats, Barley, Fibre Pellet, Extruded Bran and Pollard, Extracted Soya Meal, Vegetable Oil, Molasses, Dicalcium Phosphate, Limestone, Salt, Mineral and Vitamin Premix.


Nutritional Composition;

Crude Protein 12.0%

Fibre 7.0%

Fat 8.5%

Salt 1.5%

DE Energy 14.5 MJ/KG

Nutrient Composition – typical analysis per kilo of Dunstan Pre-Trainer (as fed)


Crude Protein 110g

Calcium 10.0g

Phosphorus 4.0g

Sodium 5.0g

Chloride 7.5g

Potassium 9.0g

Magnesium 2.0g

Iron 170mg

Zinc (Organic) 130mg

Manganese 110mg

Copper (Organic) 50mg

Cobalt 0.5mg

Iodine 1.0mg

Selenium (Organic) 0.4mg

Vitamin A 10,000i.u

Vitamin D 1,000i.u

Vitamin E 125mg

Vitamin K 2.0mg

Thiamine B1 6.0mg

Riboflavin B2 6.0mg

Pyridoxine B6 5.0mg

Vitamin B12 50ug

Niacin 20mg

Pantothenate 10mg

Biotin 100ug

Folic Acid 1.5mg

Choline 150mg

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