Eukanuba™ Adult Fit body Large Breed Dry Dog Food is for large breed dogs (25kg to 40kg) with a tendency to be overweight from 18 months to 6 years in age. Giant breed dogs (>40kg) with a tendency to be overweight from 2 to 5 years. Sizes: 14kg
27% less fat and an adapted blend of carbohydrates to promote a lean, active body
DHA & antioxidants to support healthy brain function
Promotes lean muscle mass
Eukanuba™ Fit Body Large Breed Dry Dog Food is for large and giant breed dogs (over 25 kg) with a tendency to gain weight. It contains 27% less fat (vs. Eukanuba™ Adult Large Breed), as well as high quality ingredients including animal based protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibres and important vitamins and minerals for the health and wellbeing of your adult dog.